Homemade Hair Masks for Soft, Silky and Strong Hair

Egg and Cucumber Hair Mask for Soft and Shiny Hair:
This hair mask is used for the recovery of damaged hair effectively. If you swim in a chlorinated pool for exercise on a regular basis, the same damage you’ve noticed happening to your skin and bathing suit, is happening to your hair, as well. Try this treatment at home to keep chlorine damage at bay. This mask is suitable for swimmers and for those who are suffering from hair damage due to sun and pollution.

  • 1 egg
  • 1 eggshell’s worth of olive oil
  • 1 quarter of a peeled cucumber

Preparation and Usage:
Blend the egg, olive oil and peeled cucumber well in a cleaned food processor.
Collect this smooth mask to a small bowl. Spread evenly through your hair.
Leave the mixture for 10 minutes, and then thoroughly rinse with fresh water.
For best results year-round, continue this egg-cucumber hair treatment twice monthly. You will notice that your hair damage reduce in no time. Egg is rich in protein content and the cucumber; olive oil will moisturize and makes your hair soft and ofcourse, silky.

Hibiscus Powder Hair Mask:
We all know that hibiscus is one of the most wonderful natural hair conditioners for hair. It is a plant which gives beautiful red flowers. The leaves and flowers are just the wonders product for hair. In my school days my mom used to prepare this powder along with shikakai powder. It made my hair strong, silky and shiny. After my college days to still I am using shampoo and my hair had turned bad in texture And then my mom advised me to use hibiscus hair pack to get back my olden hair. I have purchased it from an Ayurvedic shop. Let me share the homemade version too. You can easily make the power at home without much strain.

How to Make?:
Get some freshly plucked hibiscus leaves and flowers. Rinse them and allow them to dry under sun until they turn crisp. Now grind the dried flowers and leaves finely and store the power in an air tight container. If you have no time/interest to make it at home, you can purchase ready made hibiscus powders from store or online.  
How to Use?:
This hibiscus hair powder has a wooden smell and it is slight reddish in color. I am using it regularly on my hair (monthly twice) to find better results.
Take needed amount of hibiscus powder in a bowl and mix it with water.

Two Homemade Hair Masks for Soft, Shiny & Strong Hair
Make it  a watery paste which will easy to be applied onto the hair.
Two Homemade Hair Masks for Soft, Shiny & Strong Hair
It is the same method of applying henna on hair. Your hair should be washed and wet.
Apply this mixture evenly all over the hair and scalp. Leave this mixture for 20 minutes.
Later, wash it off by tap water. After that you can feel the smoothness and shine on the hair immediately. This hair mask stops hair fall and makes hair strong with regular usage.

Do you Know the Main Causes of HAIR FALL in Men and Women,Read Here and Share

Hair fall reasons: Hair loss reasons are a plenty but here are some of the most referred ones.
Medication:  When you still recovering from a major surgery or pregnancy, you might lose large chunks of hair every day for about 2 months after. This can be due to the fact that you are not responding well to a certain kind of medication.
Stress: This is a factor that really works a number on all of us! The more the stress, the shorter the time our hair stays with us.

Medical conditions:  In some cases, illness can also be causing hair fall like some auto immune diseases or maybe even thyroid. Both hypo and hyper thyroid problems can cause severe hair fall.
Nutritional deficiency:  Healthy body results in pretty hair! We all know that. So if you haven’t been eating right, then how can you expect your hair to get the nutrition it need to be beautiful. Deficiency of certain vital nutrients likes vitamins, zinc, iron and protein can cause genuine harm to your hair. So watch your diet.

Fungal Scalp infections: Sometimes, fungal infections on the scalp can cause the hair to become brittle and fall out. This another least expected reason for hair fall.
Over treating you hair: Nothing goes unnoticed and If you have been over treating your hair, you will see the signs. Don’t overdo straightening and styling!

Menopause: The drop in the estrogen levels leads to a number of changes in the human body, women are bound to lose hair at this stage
Child birth: All that emotional crazy over the hormones also results in a great deal of hair loss at this stage.
Have you figured out what might be the reason for your hair fall now?

He drink this every day and lived up to 152 years, helps in Weight Loss and Liver cleaning too

A man named Thomas Parr, a humble English farmer, holds the record for the world’s oldest man he lived to be 152 years.Thomas lived a century and a half thanks to the drink of whey he drank every day. Composition and the healing powers of whey. Whey is so beneficial that you can drink it throughout your whole live, from birth to death. Whey is the original form of a liquid that contains less than 1 % of protein and more than 93 % of water. Main ingredients of whey are: potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper, cobalt, manganese, molybdenum, vitamins, essential amino acids and enzymes.
One hundred grams of whey contain only 2 calories, that is particularly suitable for weight loss. Healthiest drink for fighting liver diseases. A clean liver is the key for a good health, and whey is a powerful liver cleanser. If you suffer from any kind of liver disease consume whey regularly.Whey contains beta lactoglobulin, which supplies the body with amino acids (BCAA) which significantly help in advanced stage of liver disease. According to experts, BCAA supplement helps patients suffering from cirrhosis to live longer and better.

Whey for endurance and weight loss
If you intensively do sports, try to get rid of excess weight, you are under stress or you suffer from serious illness, whey should be part of your daily meals. Whey is rich in electrolytes, perfectly hydrates and fuels up the body with energy,  therefore it’s much more suitable than harmful energy drinks. 
Whey is the main raw material for production of proteins,  that are, as we all know, an inevitable part of every athlete’s diet and consuming whey allows quick recovery and muscle growth after exercise, it reduces appetite and stimulates weight loss.Moreover, it also contributes to the health of nerves, because it reduces blood glucose and blood pressure, according to a research.
Folk remedy for digestion
Lactic acid that is contained in whey, reduces excessive number of fungi and bacteria in the gut and its lower pH value promotes their functioning.

It is recommended to consume while constipation, bloating, cramps, diverticulitis and chronic inflammation of the intestine. This old folk remedy can considerably help while chronic fatigue, stress, obesity, overeating, high blood pressure, low immune system, stomach discomfort, liver disease and candida, and is a great tool for cleansing the body from toxins.

Preparation and application of whey
The best thing about whey is that you can prepare it by yourself from raw milk or you can buy it in markets or in health food stores or get it from a local producer. Goat whey is the best, but cow whey is good as well. The most important thing is that the animals are not treated with hormones. From 10 liters of milk on average, you can get one kilogram of cheese and nine liters of whey.
Given the fact that it has diuretic properties, whey is initially recommended to be consumed in moderate amounts, but you can drink 150 ml three times a day and gradually increase the amount up to liter and a half a day.

If you have digestive problems, just mix a tbsp of whey in a glass of water and drink this mixture before every meal. Besides from healing, you may also use whey for external skin care and hair.