Do this daily 30 Second it Will Make You Look 10 Years Younger

If you want your skin to look fresh and youthful until old age there are certain habits you need to adopt as part of your everyday skin care routine. You probably care about your skin and nourish it every day, change your pillowcase regularly, wipe your smartphone before using it and many other things which play an important role in your skin’s health. Still there are a lot of other thing you can do to make your skin silky soft and rejuvenated and we’ll share some of these beauty hacks in this article. 
The worst thing you can do for your skin is go to bed with your makeup on. Never do this! After you’ve cleaned your face gently massage it with your fingertips. You’ll improve blood circulation and stimulate the face muscles, avoiding the appearance of wrinkles.

  1. Don’t pop your pimples; you’ll just make matters worse.
  2. Try to keep your hands off your face unless you’ve just washed them. We are constantly exposed to germs and bacteria and by touching our face all the time we transfer them.
  3. Follow a healthy eating regimen, eat skin-friendly products.
  4. Store your eye creams in the fridge to keep them cold.
  5. Ice cubes can’t help you when you have pimples.

  • The best place where you can find natural skin care products is your very own kitchen. There’s a plethora of products you can use from coconut oil, oatmeal and sugar scrubs to tea treatments and olive oil.
  • Remember to clean your mobile phone frequently, to keep the germs and bacteria from transferring to your face.
  • Keep separate towels for your face and hair.
  • Change your pillow cases every week.
  • Apply hair products carefully, they can damage your skin.
  • If acne start appearing on your face out of the blue your body may be trying to tell you that something is wrong. Listen to it!
  • Stay hydrated and drink plenty of water!
  • Switch to organic food.
  • Remove dead skin cells and exfoliate your skin regularly.
  • Try to use natural skin care products. Heavily fragrance face creams and masks usually contain a load of chemicals which can damage your skin and cause irritation.

Naturally Remove Body Hair Permanently (No Waxing or Shaving)

While it doesn’t pose any health risks, unwanted hair (“unwanted” being the operative word here) can be an embarrassing condition for many people.Regarding the function, body hair covers sensitive areas from external harms. Hence, in fact, hair in various parts of the body is beneficial. 

However, many people find this hair to be aesthetically disturbing and choose to remove it permanently whenever possible. Facial and armpit hair are the most complained ones, especially by women, and there are various methods to be done at the salon for performing these hair removal permanently. However, hair removal can be performed at home. Not only that this is more affordable, but can also be more natural and hence, less toxic.

Start Eating Papaya Seeds observe what happens to your Body

Most of us when we eat Papaya, we trash the Seeds. But little of us know how beneficial they are and how they can prevent and cure a plethora of ailments related to the liver, gut, worms and even diseases like Dengue. The following is a list, that illustrate the benefits of eating Papaya Seeds.
1.Liver Health: Papaya Seeds contain many nutrients that help heal cirrhosis of the liver. Grind or crush 5-6 Papaya Seeds and have them with food or juice, especially lime juice. This should be done for 30 days.However eating small amounts of Papaya seeds regularly helps in detoxing the liver and keeps liver diseases at bay.
2.Kidney Health:  Researchers at the University of Karachi have found that Papaya Seeds can be used to improve kidney health and preventing renal failure. They can make wonders for kidney poisoning related diseases.
3.Anti-inflammatory properties: Papaya Seeds have anti-inflammatory properties so they are great for alleviating arthritis, joint disease, swelling, pain, and redness.

4.Anti-bacterial and Anti-Viral properties: A small amount of Papaya Seeds can kill harmful bacteria like E. coli, Staph, and Salmonella. They also help fight viral infections and cures Dengue, Typhoid, and numerous other diseases. In Nigeria, Papaya Seeds with Milk is an excellent cure for Typhoid fever.The seeds have been extensively used in Costa Rica to fight against Dengue fever. The juice from papaya leaves can help cure the same.
Making papaya juice:
• Use 2 papaya leaves
• Wash and cut into smaller pieces
• Pound and squeeze the pulp through a filter cloth
• Only 2 tablespoons of juice can be squeezed out
• Two tablespoons per serving once a day

5.Arresting Cancer: Papaya Seeds contain agents that stop the growth of cancer cells and tumors. They contain isothiocyanate which works well for colon, breast, lung, leukemia and prostate cancer.
6.Destroys Parasites: The Seeds of Papaya contain an alkaloid called “Carpaine” that kills intestinal worms and amoeba parasites.Also Papaya Fruit helps metabolize proteins and makes the gastrointestinal tract an extremely hostile place for parasites to live and thrive. Studies have shown that children in Nigeria have got rid of parasites in their gut 75% of the times, by consuming Papaya Seed Juice for 7 days.
7.Natural Contraceptive: Papaya Seeds are excellent natural contraceptives for men and women, without any side-effects. For centuries,men and women in the Indian subcontinent and in parts of Southeast Asia have traditionally used the papaya fruit and its seeds as a form of birth control.
8.Aids Digestion: Papaya and Papaya Seeds are high in the enzyme papain. Papain is a beneficial aid to protein digestion, and also the best solution for women who are trying to get pregnant.

For males, eating one teaspoon of Papaya Seeds every day for 3 months can greatly reduce sperm production without affecting libido. However, this effect is temporary: when Papaya Seeds are discontinued the fertility comes back to normal.
How to eat papaya seeds: Papaya Seeds can be eaten raw , ground or crushed in Salad dressings, milk or honey.
Side effects and potential warnings for using papaya seeds: Papaya Seeds have many healthy benefits but pregnant women should not use papaya seeds or the enzyme-rich green papaya. This warning on their use would also extend to breastfeeding. Additionally, while papaya seeds do have strong anti-parasitic properties, they may be too powerful for young children’s gastrointestinal tracts, so a doctor should be consulted before giving them to infants.

She Was 80 yrs with No Gray Hair, Here is her Secrete

Today, probably more than ever, body cleansing has become an imperative due to great exposure to stress, polluted environment, harmful radiation and unhealthy eating habits.

If you’ve been feeling under the weather, or find it hard to focus, wheat grass body cleansing may be just what you need. Wheat grass will help you restore your energy and enhance your overall health.

  • Headache
  • Allergy
  • Skin problems
  • Unpleasant body odor
  • Indigestion
  • Flatulence and gases
  • Excessive weight gain or weight loss
  • Constipation
  • Fatigue, poor concentration, poor memory
  • Depression
  • Premature aging

Wheat grass contains over 100 elements important for humans, including essential fatty acids, important enzymes and antioxidants.
One of its most important elements is chlorophyll, which accounts for about 70% of wheat grass composition. Chlorophyll is important for getting the toxins and heavy metals out of the body. Plus, wheat grass contains the vitamins A, B, B17, C, E, F, K as well as the minerals potassium, iron, magnesium and calcium.

Wheat grass increases the number of red blood cells, cleanses your blood and other organs and stimulates your metabolism. Due to its high chlorophyll content, it enriches the blood with oxygen. Moreover, it effectively cleanses your liver and neutralizes toxins in the body. It stimulates your thyroid gland and reduces acidity in the body.

Regular consumption of fresh wheat grass juice provides many advantages, one of which is slowing grey hair growth and restoring natural hair color.

The first person to promote drinking juice of young green cereals was Dr. Ann Wigmore. She studied the healing properties of wheat grass juice in detail developing and describing fully the process of growing wheat grass in shallow containers at home or elsewhere. She even came up with and inexpensive wheat grass juicer in order to make this elixir of life available to everyone.
At 82 Dr. Wigmore did not have any gray hair! It was so incredible that her students asked for a permission to examine her hair in the laboratory. The results showed that it was her natural color!

Wheat grass juice is also an excellent blood cleanser and helps in skin regeneration.
Due to its high content of chlorophyll, amino acids, minerals, vitamins and enzymes, wheat grass provides a wide range of both health and medicinal benefits.
It’s recommended to start with 30ml juice per day, gradually increasing it to 30ml twice a day.