RECIPE to Strengthen your KNEES

People who have weak knees or suffer from knee pain due to conditions like osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis often have abnormally low levels of magnesium. In such situations, Epsom salt can help reduce the discomfort.

Being high in magnesium, Epsom salt can provide quick relief and reduce inflammation around your knee joints. Furthermore, magnesium is required for proper muscle functioning and it even aids calcium absorption.

  • Dissolve 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt in ½ cup of warm water. Using a washcloth, apply it on your knees and wait 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water.
  • Another option is to soak your body in a tub of warm water mixed with 1 cup of Epsom salt for at least 20 minutes.

Use either of the methods once or twice a week only.

Never Use The Same Plastic Bottle Twice

Plastic bottles are an essential accessory for the summer months. They’re the easiest way to transport water and other soft drinks during the hot weather. Experts warn that the problem arises when we use one bottle a few times.

The Bottle Is A Breeding Ground For Bacteria
During the summer heat, the bacteria can spread instantly through our environment, with a strong focus on the equipment that we use for food and drink. The ‘most dangerous’ part of plastic bottles is the opening, because the bacteria are transmitted from the mouth to the uneven parts of plastic.The bacteria reproduce here.

The Heat Releases Dangerous Chemicals
To prevent the spread of bacteria, the plastic bottle should be washed with warm water and detergent. In order to thoroughly wash out the bacteria, many resort to hot water (or even put the bottle in the dishwasher), which has the opposite effect than desired. Plastic bottles are not designed for exposure to high temperatures because the chemicals they release are life-threatening.

Use The Bottle Only Once
Plastic bottles, sold in shops should be used only once. On the market there are specialized bottles for multiple use that are produced in a different way. However, they’re not one hundred percent safe. If you want to avoid most of the bacteria, buy bottles with a wider throat for drinking, which is easier to clean.