Baldness is not a serious health issue, but is one of the major problems that have a negative influence on men self confidence. There are hundreds and hundreds of lotions, shampoos and creams available on the market which promise getting rid of the baldness once and for all, but they are not as effective as the advertisement says. Here is a natural remedy that proved to be helpful in many cases
- 3 tablespoons rosemary leaves
- 3 tablespoons young nettle root
- 3 tablespoons ivy leaves
- 3 tablespoons sage leaves
- 3 tablespoons walnut leaves
- 3 tablespoons burdock leaves
Preparation and Usage: Put all the ingredients in 1 liter of alcohol (40%) and keep on warm place for 20 days. Strain, and use this tincture for massaging the scalp and whole head every day. The forth day, wash your hair with baby shampoo. Afterwards, soak your hair in 1 liter water mixed with 50gr alcohol for five minutes. Do this on every fourth day, for a month. Pause 10 days then start again.
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