14 kilograms in 2 weeks weight loss with this 1 Ingredient

Buckwheat is very healthy and beneficial which you should include in your diet and improve your overall health. Buckwheat enhances the memory and that is why it is called the best food for the brain. It is also used in the treatment of diabetes, glaucoma and rheumatism. Tea made from buckwheat flowers is also beneficial and have healing effects on the lungs and the respiratory system. Buckwheat minimizes the consequences of radiation, chemotherapy and some excessive mental work.

You can prepare a natural face mask with buckwheat in order to improve the health of the skin. Just grind the buckwheat to get coarse flour. Buckwheat is low-calorie product compared to some other grains. Also it contains large amounts of amino acids, iron, proteins, potassium, vitamin B, iodine and magnesium. Many health experts recommend including the buckwheat in your daily diet in order to get rid of liver diseases, anemia and hypertension.

The first thing you should do is to go in some health food store and get the buckwheat. Into large pot add 1 cup of buckwheat and pour 350ml of boiling water and wait for few minutes. Then drain the water and pour it once again. Store the liquid into glass bottles and leave it overnight. You can eat buckwheat as much as you want and you can combine it with soy sauce. During the day drink 1l yogurt. Drink water also, not less than 1.5 liters daily. Also, the last meal should be 4 hours before bedtime. Consume fruits and vegetables during the day.

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