This Drink Will Destroy Your Bones ,But Everyone Drinks It Every Day

According to statistical data, American people consume more soda than ever before. Namely, more than 25 % of all drinks consumed in the U.S. are soft drinks. In 2000, there were sold over 15 billion gallons of soda, which is about one 12-ounce can per day for each man, woman and child.
This Drink Will Destroy Your Bones From The Inside But Everyone Drinks It Every Day!Here is what soda does to your body:

1. Extra Pounds It is one of the major causes of obesity. One single can of sugary drink can lead to one pound of weight gain every month. Diet soda is even worse because it contains artificial sweeteners which can trigger a whole set of hormonal and physiologic responses which lead to weight gain. 

2. Liver Damage This drink has very harmful effects on your liver. Over-consumption of soda leads to increased risk of developing cirrhosis, similarly as in the case of chronic alcoholics.
3. Tooth Decay Soda can damage your tooth enamel as well. Soda`s acidity has more harmful effect on teeth than the sugar found in candies.

4. Kidney stones and chronic kidney disease Colas and all other kinds of sodas are loaded with phosphoric acid which causes changes in the urine that will later lead to kidney stone formation. Consuming less than 12-ounce cans in a week can increase your risk of kidney stones by 15 percent.

5. Diabetes Every food that is associated with weight gain increases the risk of diabetes. Drinking soda alters the body`s ability to process sugar properly. Scientists now think that this may be the reason why the number of Americans with diabetes type 2 ha tripled from 6.6 million in 1980 to 20.8 million nowadays.

This Happen to Your BODY when you have Turmeric in the Morning, TRY THIS

One of the most popular spices is turmeric. It is a highly versatile ingredient and it is utilized in many different dishes, especially the South Asian ones. Because its beneficial properties are also well-known, it is likewise utilized as a natural supplement. It is used to treat various health problems. But, many people are aware of the fact that regular consumption of turmeric beneficially affects both the brain and liver too.

As previously mentioned, turmeric is able to treat physical ailments. But, until now, its mental benefits have not been known that much. The active ingredient in turmeric is Curcumin. It is believed to be a promising treatment for Alzheimer`s disease. One of the main causes of Alzheimer`s is the plaque. It builds up in the brain, called beta-amyloid plaques. According to some researches, it has been shown that curcumin is able to inhibit the build-up of this plaque by up to 40 percent. This makes it a quite promising treatment for Alzheimer`s disease.

Also, it was discovered that the anti-inflammatory properties of curcumin play an important role in Alzheimer`s treatment, because it reduces damage that is caused by oxidizing agents and inflammation.
Another benefit of turmeric promoting liver health. The main ingredient has been used to treat liver diseases for over hundreds of years, but a legitimate scientific research on its effects have not been conducted. 
Researchers believe that curcumin is beneficial to liver health because of its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects. It has been scientifically shown that curcumin is able to reduce liver damage caused by:

Curcumin also reduce
Iron overdose
High toxicity levels
Ethanol ( the type of alcohol you drink)
Liver disease ( such as cholestasis)
Curcumin also reduces the risk of developing liver cancer. It does this, by reducing the human carcinogens on the liver, such as thioacetamide.

When we take it raw, only 1 percent of the curcumin is actually absorbed by our body. The best way to use turmeric is to purchase high-quality organic turmeric extract with 95 percent curcuminoids. In emergency situations, you should take ¼ tsp of turmeric on a daily basis. This is enough to reduce inflammation and prevent diseases.
A great way to get the recommended dosage of curcumin for the day is to boil water and add ¼ tsp turmeric. By doing so, you have created a 12 percent solution.

Another great way to eat it is to mix turmeric with some sort of oil or fat, as the combination of turmeric and fats significantly increases its bio availability. For example, you can blend 1-2 egg yolks with a teaspoon of coconut oil and a tablespoon of turmeric. You do not have to mix turmeric with eggs in order to get the most of it. Given the fact that most recipes contain fat, you can add turmeric to a soup, curry, or any other recipe to your preference.

She Ate Pineapple For a Week, See What Happened To Her Body, MUST READ

The pineapple diet helps you destroy the consequences of overeating, as well as the consumption of unhealthy food.It’s recommended that you practice it 4 days and is considered to be a temporary remedy, since it represents an imbalanced diet.
This diet can help you lose up to 3 kg a week.
Pineapple is effective in the fight against water retention, bloating and cellulite. It’s rich in water (about 90%), potassium that eliminates the excess of water, iron, that creates red blood cells which are known to transport the oxygen throughout the whole body.
Pineapple also contains an enzyme called bromelain that improves the digestion and fights against the inflammatory processes of the organism. Another very important property of this enzyme is that it can fasten your metabolism.
The pineapple is a hypo-caloric fruit and 100 grams contain 40 calories. You should always try and consume it fresh and ripe, as well as keep it in the fridge upside down, so that the sugar can melt in the whole fruit. When it’s fresh, its crust is yellowish-orange in color and without any spots. Its structure is hard and the leaves are green.

You should eat it right after you’ve cut it so it can preserve all the properties of vitamin C, which is important for the formation of collagen that improves the elasticity of your skin.
Here are several examples of what to do when you’re on the pineapple diet: avoid processed meat products and old cheese, carbohydrates, energetic and alcoholic drinks. It’s important to drink tea (at least 2 cups of tea a day) and at least 2 liters of water a day.
It’s recommended to do this: at least 2 tablespoons of oil a day, limit the intake of salt, spices and vinegar. Physical activity is always welcome.This pineapple diet should be held by people in good health. It’s not recommended to people who suffer from diabetes and colitis, people who are intolerant to pineapple enzymes and to the ones who have liver or kidney dysfunction.

Here’s an example of the pineapple diet for one day: 
Breakfast: pineapple juice + 1 fruit + 1 cup of tea
Snack: natural pineapple juice
Lunch: 4 pineapple slices + 1 slice of bread
Snack: pineapple juice + 1 apple
Dinner: 2 pineapple slices + 50 grams of boiled rice + 1 cup of tea against bloating
An example of the pineapple diet for 3 days:

Day 1: consume only fresh pineapple and water.
Day 2: pineapple, water and two cans of tuna (one for lunch and the other for dinner).
Day 3 is identical to day 1.
You should keep in mind that this diet only has one goal – detoxification, because it can happen that the lost kilograms and especially water, return when we go back to the normal regimen of our nutrition.
It is advised that the pineapple becomes a part of the regular, balanced diet which has the purpose to lose weight, because it stimulates the sense of satiety and satisfies your desire for something sweet.

New Hope For Curing Baldness, Must Try this |Works for MEN and WOMEN

Baldness is not a serious health issue, but is one of the major problems that have a negative influence on men self confidence. There are hundreds and hundreds of lotions, shampoos and creams available on the market which promise getting rid of the baldness once and for all, but they are not as effective as the advertisement says. Here is a natural remedy that proved to be helpful in many cases


  • 3 tablespoons rosemary leaves
  • 3 tablespoons young nettle root
  • 3 tablespoons ivy leaves
  • 3 tablespoons sage leaves
  • 3 tablespoons walnut leaves
  • 3 tablespoons burdock leaves

Preparation and Usage: Put all the ingredients in 1 liter of alcohol (40%) and keep on warm place for 20 days. Strain, and use this tincture for massaging the scalp and whole head every day. The forth day, wash your hair with baby shampoo. Afterwards, soak your hair in 1 liter water mixed with 50gr alcohol for five minutes. Do this on every fourth day, for a month. Pause 10 days then start again.

Natural tips to Make Yellow Teeth to White

Ways to make a clean white teeth and traditionally is actually very easy, provided you want to do a bit of therapy in your diet, please read the food should be avoided to overcome the traditional yellow teeth below:
1. Wood charcoal
Actually, wood charcoal is also very powerful way to clean the yellow stains on teeth, but this material is dangerous because it can permanently damage the email and cause pain in the teeth. Therefore, you should not try it.

2. Lemon and Salt
You can get bright white teeth by using a paste made from a few drops of lemon juice mixed with a pinch of salt. Apply the paste to the tooth and rub gently like when you're brushing your teeth. This will help remove rust stains on the tooth surface.

3.Orange Peel
Brush your teeth using the inside of orange peel. Orange peel contains whitening elements that are very soft, which will help remove rust stains on teeth without harming enamel.
4. Indonesian bay-leaf (Syzygium polyanthum)
Take six bay leaves, and then drying in the sun until dry and crisp. Puree the sixth bay leaves, then add the orange peel powder. Rub the mixture onto your teeth every day, then certainly within two weeks you will get white teeth naturally.

5. Strawberry
Strawberries are not just a delicious fruit to be enjoyed. Beside rich in vitamin C, strawberries are also known to have properties to clean the teeth. Though sweet, strawberries are not harmful to dental health. Instead, this fruit can actually help remove rust stains on your teeth and make it a brilliant white.

6. White and Apple Cider Vinegar
Cider and white vinegar are also very effective at removing rust stains on the teeth, because both contain elements of bleach helps remove stains quickly. However, both these materials are very strong in character, so use on a daily basis will cause damage to the enamel layer. In addition, it was also very bitter.

5 Tips to get out of Stress

Connect with friends and loved ones
Most of us might want some time for ourselves or spend it just with our partners, but having some time with friends or family over the weekend will also be good for you. It is all about feeling loved and connected that contributes a lot to our happiness. We spend on important experiences with people that matter to us and that means more than just buying material things.
Food for the soul
According to studies, people who frequent religious services tend to be more contented in their lives. Prayer and faith fills in a bigger portion of ourselves. Spending time to do some charity works also have the same effect. If these things are not the kind of things you want to do, just try to meditate or attend some yoga classes and see what kind of inner peace it might bring you.

Working out does not only make us fit but it also triggers the release of the happy hormones that make us a feel a lot better. Do it outdoors since people who workout outdoors end up feeling more energetic.

Get rid of your laptop, cellphones, and tablets at least over the weekend. Limit your TV and internet hours and see how it can help get rid of your stress.

Schedule your chores
It maybe inevitable to do some chores over the weekend but schedule them well so you have enough time to relax and enjoy your rest days.

Here is how to Heal Toothache Naturally

So, gotta a toothache, Wish you had stronger teeth? Don't despair. You can actually do something other than have them all pulled and getting dentures. Increase your nutrition and try oil pulling
How To Oil Pull With Coconut Oil 

  • Scoop about 2 tsp. of coconut oil out of your jar and pop it in your mouth. 
  • Chew or hold the oil in your mouth till it melts and becomes liquid (takes about 30 seconds). 
  • Start swishing, pulling the oil back and forth and sideways through all your teeth. 
  • Swish for 20 min., spitting the oil out (into the trash) when you're finished.

Here is Why Oil Pulling Works Your teeth are actually porous, comprised of yards and yards of minute passages (like a sponge) that bring nutrients to the outer enamel when good nutrition is present in your diet…or suck toxins into the teeth when nutrition is lacking. Oil itself has the ability to cut right through plaque to the tooth surface, and coconut oil in particular has rich, anti-bacterial properties. It's believed that one of the reasons oil pulling strengthens teeth is that it can help reverse the flow of toxins, pulling bacteria out of the teeth, and becoming a vehicle to dispose of toxins. Also, we've found the swishing action can be as effective as flossing, without any damage to gums (yes–I've gotten popcorn kernels out with oil pulling!) 

Where To Get Good Organic Coconut Oil Any organic, cold-pressed, virgin coconut oil will work for this. If it smells like coconut, that's a sign that it hasn't been over-processed and still has all the wonderful things God put in the coconut to begin with.

Grow Your Hair Super Long by following this

Don't trim your hair every month: Some hairstylists will tell you to cut an inch to half an inch off hair every month, but honestly this will do you no good. Why, you may ask? Because, your hair grows a half an inch every month, so by cutting an inch to half an inch off every month, your hair basically will never grow. But, before you start trying to grow out your long locks, make sure your hair is healthy and not damaged. Hair growth starts at the roots, but hair damage is concentrated near the tips. Prevent the damage from traveling up the shaft of your hair by stopping it in its tracks and hacking it off the ends. So, in theory make sure to cut all your damaged hair off before you start trying to grow long hair, because damaged, long hair is not pretty.

Adjust your washing:  Clean hair is certainly desired, but cleansing your hair too often can strip it of the oils that keep it healthy, making it more brittle and prone to breaking. To prevent this premature breakage, minimize the numbers of times you shampoo your hair to 2-3 times a week at most. If you can wash your hair only a single time per week, all the better.  When rinsing shampoo off do it with cold water.

Stay away from heat: The high temperatures of blow dryers, curling irons, and flat irons may work wonders on taming your locks, but on the downside? They seriously fry your hair and cause a lot of breakage. Avoid using these heat-powered tools whenever possible, and if you must use them, adjust the heat to the lowest setting.

Avoid harsh chemicals: For the same reasons as frequent washing and usage of hot tools, dousing your hair with chemical dyes, relaxers, and perms makes it brittle and more likely to snap. Chemicals may be the most detrimental to long hair growth out of all the causes of damage. Never perm or relax your hair, and if you absolutely must dye it try using an all natural dye like henna.
Protect your hair from the sun: Exposure to UVA and UVB rays present in sunlight can strip your hair down and damage it over time. In general, try to minimize your exposure to direct sunlight or tanning beds to no more than a few hours a day. When you are in the sun though, keep your hair under wraps in a hat or scarf.

Stay in fresh water: Summer weather beckons trips to the pool and beach, but all that salt and chlorine can really do a doozy on your hair. These additives to the water cause it to dry out, making it (you guessed it!) more likely to break. Try to avoid these types of water when possible (use a shower cap!), and if you can’t avoid it condition your hair immediately afterwards.

Eat healthy: The benefits of good eating are seemingly endless, with one of the positive side effects being enhanced hair growth. Minimize the amount of animal fats, sugar, and sodium in your diet and increase the levels of fresh fruits and vegetables that you consume. Doing this will encourage hair growth from the inside out, and strengthen each individual strand of hair over time.

14 kilograms in 2 weeks weight loss with this 1 Ingredient

Buckwheat is very healthy and beneficial which you should include in your diet and improve your overall health. Buckwheat enhances the memory and that is why it is called the best food for the brain. It is also used in the treatment of diabetes, glaucoma and rheumatism. Tea made from buckwheat flowers is also beneficial and have healing effects on the lungs and the respiratory system. Buckwheat minimizes the consequences of radiation, chemotherapy and some excessive mental work.

You can prepare a natural face mask with buckwheat in order to improve the health of the skin. Just grind the buckwheat to get coarse flour. Buckwheat is low-calorie product compared to some other grains. Also it contains large amounts of amino acids, iron, proteins, potassium, vitamin B, iodine and magnesium. Many health experts recommend including the buckwheat in your daily diet in order to get rid of liver diseases, anemia and hypertension.

The first thing you should do is to go in some health food store and get the buckwheat. Into large pot add 1 cup of buckwheat and pour 350ml of boiling water and wait for few minutes. Then drain the water and pour it once again. Store the liquid into glass bottles and leave it overnight. You can eat buckwheat as much as you want and you can combine it with soy sauce. During the day drink 1l yogurt. Drink water also, not less than 1.5 liters daily. Also, the last meal should be 4 hours before bedtime. Consume fruits and vegetables during the day.

Natural Simple Way To Get Rid Of Water On Your Knee

Common causes of water on the knee include: knee injury, some infections, gout, arthritis and more rarely tumor cysts.This natural remedy can help you treat water on the knee and pain caused by injury.

  • 1 tablespoon of salt
  • Fresh egg yolk

Preparation and Usage: Mix one fresh egg yolk with one tablespoon of salt. Apply the resulting mixture on your knee. Wrap your knee in cellophane or nylon film. Secure the coating with an elastic bandage. Change the coating every two hours, each time using a fresh egg yolk. You need to apply five coverings a day.

This Banana Mix Burn Stomach Fat Immediately, Lets have a try

As every one use to say to have Banana before and after food to gain weight and go toilet freely  . The other thing you dont know is it will help in decreasing the belly fat too. Here is how to prepare 


  • 1 banana
  • 1 orange
  • ½ cup low-fat or fat-free yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • ¼ tablespoon ginger powder
  • 2 tablespoons flax seeds
  • 2 tablespoons whey powder

Mix all of these Ingredients together and put them in a blender. Blend them for a while (1 minute). It is very easy and in just a minute you have both a weight loss and a tasteful drink.

Best Times to Eat, Read Follow and SHARE

We people eat when ever we want and when we feel hungry. This is wrong and results in gaining weight too. So we presenting proper times for having breakfast lunch and dine. Lets take a look 
Break Fast:

Ideal Time is 7 to 8 AM
Dont haveit later than 10 AM
Must remember: Eat With in 30 Minutes of Waking up (Have water(hot water is better) after waking)
Ideal Time: 12.30 to 2 PM
Dont have it later than 4PM
Must remember: An ideal time gap between breakfast and Lunch is 4 hours

Ideal time: 6 to 9 PM
Dont have it later than 10 PM
Must remember: The meal should be atleast 3 hours before your Sleep

Process to To Clean The Lungs Of Smokers

Soybean: Consuming foods and drinks that contain lots of soy may improve lung function and reduce chronic disease shortness of breath. flavonoids found in soy foods act as anti inflammation in the lungs and can protect the lungs from tobacco that causes cancer for smokers. Besides good for the lungs, soy can lower cholesterol and treat symptoms of menopause.
12 hours without a cigarette: For those addicted to cigarettes, smoking cessation is difficult. But it turns out, the body will repair the system when a person stopped smoking for 12 hours. Bad feelings will be felt in the beginning, but that's when the healing process of damage caused by smoking begins. Carbon monoxide and nicotine in the body will slowly disappear. Malicious content will disappear completely within 2-3 days after quitting smoking. At the time there will arise a feeling of calm and emotionally unstable. Hunger, fatigue and excessive sleep difficulties even terasa. Gejala also indicates that the body was cleaning the remnants of nicotine.

Antioxidants: Broccoli, apples and other fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants can help repair and protect your lungs. One study has shown that the lungs of people who consume more than five apples a week better functioning of their lungs that did not consume apples. In addition, the antioxidant isothiocyanates in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower are also shown to lower the risk of lung cancer.

Increase the capacity of Lungs:  Our life expectancy is directly dependent on the capacity of the lung. If the lungs do not work optimally for supplying oxygen throughout the body, then all the metabolic processes will be damaged. One effective way to increase your lung capacity is to play instruments such as saxophones, trumpets, whistles, even the recorder. Practice for 10-15 minutes a day will improve your lungs.

Humidity: Mucus or phlegm is often the cause of chronic cough. In Chinese medicine, the weakness in the diet and digestive system are expected as a direct cause of moisture and mucus that accumulates in the lungs. In many cases, reduce and clear mucus to relieve cough. Start by stopping mucus-producing foods such as dairy products (especially ice cream), cold and raw foods, sugary foods that contain artificial sweeteners or refined flour, and soft drinks.

Lemon: after the analysis through a GC-MS, lemon juice can reduce nicotine kadaar until 70.65. However, lime juice here only a tool to be able to quit smoking.
Drink plenty of water: This will help to mengelurkan toxins and nicotine that has accumulated in your body after years of smoking.
Breathing exercises every day: Create the body relax and breathe deeply through your nose and exhale through your mouth for about 5-10 minutes.

Healthy Tips to Protect your LIVER, Must Follow

Moderate your alcohol intake
Liver can only process or break down a small amount of alcohol every hour. For this reason, men should limit their alcohol intake to two drinks a day while women should only have one. A standard drink is equivalent to one ordinary beer or one small glass of wine.
Cut down on fatty foods
Reduce the amount of saturated fats, trans fats and hydrogenated fats in your diet. Saturated fats are found in deep fried foods, red meats and dairy products. Trans and hydrogenated fats are found in processed foods. The liver stores excess dietary fat, and fat buildup can eventually bring on fatty liver disease.

Reduce body weight
Obesity, particularly, abdominal or central obesity, is a major risk factor for developing fatty liver disease. Eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly to maintain a healthy weight. A fatty liver slows down the digestion of fats. Do aim for the ideal body mass index (BMI) target. The healthy cut-off values recommended by MOH and HPB Singapore are between 18.5 and 22.9.
Avoid over supplementation with traditional medicine & remedies

Over-supplementation may cause liver inflammation. As the liver detoxifies, supplementation with certain traditional medicine or remedies can lead to liver damage or even failure. This is because some of these remedies contain heavy metals, which taken in large quantities can result in liver toxicity or affect the regular functioning of your liver.

Eat more fibre
Eat more high-fibre foods such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables. For proteins, choose more fish, beans and nuts, and cut down on red meats.
Get vaccinated
Get vaccinated against hepatitis A and B, both viral liver infections. Hepatitis A is contracted from contaminated food or water and hepatitis B, from sexual contact, contaminated blood and needles.

Related article: True or false? Hepatitis B carriers are 100 times more likely to develop liver cancer than non carriers
Get regular exercise
Regular exercise is key to a healthy liver. Exercise increases energy levels, decreases stress on the liver, and helps to prevent obesity a high risk factor for liver disease. Aim for a total of 150 minutes of exercise, such as brisk walking, per week.

Be cautious of weight loss pills
Over the counter weight loss pills which are available without a prescription may contain ingredients such as Ephedra which are harmful to the liver.